About Us

About Us
The Professional Realtors Associafion of Nashik is one of the largest Association having more than 125+ Professionals members in North Maharashtra, We focus on all our Realtors subscribe to a strict code of Ethics and are expected to maintain a higher level of Knowledge of the process of buying and selling real estate. As a Realtor we believe in Professionalism and ethical treatment in all transactions. Investing in Real estate or dealing in Real estate is a big deal, The transactions carry significant financial and emotional ramification of both sides, they are complex and take a lot of time, Having proper representation in critical our Members are well equipped with all the necessary tools and skills to provide the client with the best representation, our Members knows the ins and outs of their market and are available to provide world class services by following standard practices to ensure their clients. This is how Professional Realtors Associafion of Nashik has setting a landmark in Real Estate industry.

Our Mission

To organize Real estate profession through its professional Realtors, and to become one of most organized and professional Association of Realtors by setting a landmark in Real Estate sector.

Our Vision

To accelerate the transaction ratio among our Members by creating ample Business opportunities & Knowledge & to make commerce better for every member, So business can focus on what they do best for selling their products.

Meet Our Committee Members

Vikrant Avhad


Pradeep Randhir


Nitin Kotkar


Raj Talreja

Jt. Secretary

Kailash Kadam


D J Dhamne


Rajendra Kotkar
